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switching to RSS Bandit?

Everyone (including me) has been raving for the last month or so about SharpReader (rightfully so).

However, in that same time frame
Dare and Torsten have made HUGE strides with RSSBandit. I am actually starting to feel like a kid in a candy store. I am going to play around with RSSBandit over the weekend, but I think I might be making a switch. I really like the tabbed browsing and hitting the space bar to tab through new items (see some more new updates here). Again, Great Work.


Maybe I should give the latest release of RSS Bandit a try? The first ones I tried would not work...

Hopefully I'll enjoy the tabbed browsing as I do with Phoenix/Firebird. Hopefully it will have a lower memory consumption than SharpReader. Hopefully it will have multi-selection for items and feeds. Hopefully...

Well let's see!

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