ASP.NET Hosting

ASP.NET hosting

I have a little web service of mine and its associated WebForm interface that need hosting. Please help them. Don't leave them alone outside without a home.

If you match one of the following cases, let me know:

  • you know of a free ASP.NET hosting solution
  • you have a free account that you don't use
  • you have space somewhere that you'd like to share with me
  • you want to sponsor my web service (I'd do some advertising for you or your company of course)

Note: SQL Server not required.

Help would be appreciated :-)

coacoacoa recommends WebMatrixHosting, but their file size rules makes it unusable ("Maximum size of any file in your account is 100,000 bytes (for .mdb and .dll files maximum size is 1 MB)- any files beyond this limit will be automatically deleted." - FAQ).

Notes to coacoacoa:

  • Visual Studio .NET is not supported, only WebMatrix, see features.
  • Access to the SQL Server works through Enterprise Manager (part of the SQL Server client tools).

Update: .Net Playground has a 1 MB file size limit, so it isn't much better.
Update: Brinkster's free hosting solution is even worse: no code-behind, no global.asax supported! As they say: "Anything is possible"...
Update: WebMatrixHosting allows 10 MB in SQL Server, and .Net Playground allows big enough Access databases. So I think I'll end up putting my big files in a database.


  • Fabrice

    I can help, I have my own hosting. The only issue would be the traffic. If it's not huge I can do it.


  • Wes, I had applied for .Net Playground a while ago, but they were not accepting account any more.

    I will try again. Thanks.

  • I just checked .Net Playground, and they have the same file size limit (1 MB), so it won't do it :-(

  • Je ne "recommandais" pas réellement WebMatrixHosting :), mais ça me parait intéressant pour faire des essais avec AspStarterKit Portal.

    Pour la base, je n'ai installé que MSDE sur mon PC => je n'ai pas Enterprise Server, mais en local Access semblerait faire l'affaire. Pour l'extérieur, il faut que je fasse une demande d'ouverture de ports.

    Et pour l'hébergement ASP.NET, il existe une option à 3.5€ par mois chez Kilio (j'en suis assez content en ce qui concerne ASP)


  • You could always try Brinkster (

  • Fabrice

    If you want to do that with me, just let you know I am on holidays tonight and be back next wednesday, so it's up to you.


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